
Tasty, healthy recipes for everyday.


Coconut Strawberry Iceypoles

Time: 10min | Serves: 4

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1/2 cup  coconut milk
1/2 cup coconut water
1/2 cup roasted strawberry puree (recipe below)
1 Tbsp. honey
2 cups chopped strawberries (option to lightly roast + puree)
1/4 cup grated coconut


Blend all three ingredients together*, pour into iceypole molds [or little cups with a paddlepop stick) and freeze overnight.

*For a more refined strawberry flavour, oven roast the strawberries on at about 120degrees with a tbs of water and 1tsp sugar until they begin to caramelise. Once cooled, blend together and mix into the coconut mixture then freeze for 5hrs.

Note: This recipe only makes about 4 small icepoles so feel free to double the recipe!

Another deliciously healthy recipe from your friend at Mayver’s.