Kids Science Experiments in a Jar

By Mayvers

August 13, 2020

Have a few empty Mayver’s jars laying around at home?

Put them to good use with these easy home science experiments! The best part is that using jars for experiments means low mess impact! Perfect kid-spiration for the weekend!

These experiments are not only super fun! They are also a great way to get kids thinking.

With all experiment get the little ones critically thinking about what they are actually doing and why the experiment has turned out a certain way. A great way to do this is to ask what they think will happen with the experiment a then compare it to what actually happens.

These are our 6 favs!!

Rainbow jar

With just a few common household ingredients like dish soap and honey, little scientists can actually pour a rainbow in a jar. There’s no need for any magic, just 100% kid-friendly science. This one teaches kids about the concept of density.  Click here for step by step instructions!

Cloud jar experiment

This helps visualise the concept of raining. The shaving cream represents the clouds, the water represents the air, while the coloured water represents rain. As the coloured water saturates the “cloud”, it gets heavy and eventually gets so heavy that it can no longer hold the coloured water. It “rains” down into the jar – through the “air.” Click here for the experiment!

Fireworks in a jar

If you have a little one who is captivated with colours and fireworks, this easy experiment is for you. You most likely have everything you already need in your cupboard for these fireworks in a jar: oil, water, and food colouring! Click here for the instructions!

Beans in a jar

This is a super simple and visual way to teach children about root systems, perfect for springtime coming up. Watch how excited your kids get when they see how FAST the plants grow! Click here from step by step.

Grow Crystals

Do you remember those retro crystal garden growing kits when you were growing up? Using just two ingredients, this crystal science experiment makes a great first project for kids interested in growing crystals. Crystals are beautiful to look at and they might even want to start their own collection. Click here for the experiment!

Cyclone in a jar

Are your kids interested in learning about natural disasters? Your very own cyclone in a jar will bring this concept to life! Click here for the instructions!